Leumas News

  • Can't Give Up Now, We've Come Too Far

    “I know you’re tired of the pandemic, maybe add weather and personal challenges, and you’re probably feeling a little overwhelmed,” says Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III. “I have felt that, too. I keep reminding myself that words have power, no matter what those words are. They are like seeds, and they produce what you planted.

  • Begin Again

    “I always encourage people to do what they love, and the start of a new year is a great time to think about that,” says Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III. “If you’re already living your dream, great! How can you take that to the next level? If you’re not, how can you get there...

  • Grieve ... And Reboot

    Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III reminds us this week that “talking heals” when you are dealing with grief, and too many of us have spent some time grieving this year. Reports state COVID-19 “has taken a serious toll on emotional well-being." Of course it has. 

  • Happy Holidays

    “People don’t even realize that you’re there securing them,” is part of what Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III says in the video while wishing everyone - especially security professionals - a happy holiday season. “I thank you.” Griffin, who is also the author of...

  • Security Expert and Author Decides To "Speak On It!"

    “You cannot let anyone else determine what your outcome is going to be in your life,” said Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III during his conversation with Speak On It! Podcast host Felicia Hodges. Hear the Full Interview [16:46]

  • Today's Healthy Decisions: Weapons Against COVID

    “You may not be as physically fit as you were in the past, but there is a lot you can do to stay healthy,” according to Leumas Security Services' Founder, Samuel Griffin III. He encourages you to keep your health in mind in this week’s video.
  • What Does Success Mean To You?

    “Get healthy,” says Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III in this week’s video, because he sees health as important for success. Do ...
  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    “The Leumas Security Services Team and I want to wish you, and everyone you care about, a safe and Happy Thanksgiving” says Leumas Security Servic...
  • Good Fear, Bad Fear

    There are a lot of reasons to feel fear these days. The COVID-19 pandemic continues spreading, and some areas have imposed new mask mandates in an effort to slow it down. The pandemic is also slowing down the economy

  • Strengthen a Community One Box At a Time

    Haven't we all needed a lift every now and again from someone in our lives?  Wished there was a way to lift someone else? A small expression of sup...
  • Living as a Nation with the Unknown

    The election is over, but there is a lot we still do not know about how the nation will move forward after this tough political season. We also don’t know how much worse things are going to get with COVID-19 before they get better.

  • The Most Important Thing About Experiences Is To Learn From Them

    “In a previous blog post I talked about growing up witnessing the abuse of my mother at the hands of my father,” says Leumas Security Services' Founder, Samuel Griffin. “As Domestic Violence Awareness Month comes to an end...