The Most Important Thing About Experiences Is To Learn From Them

“In a previous blog post I talked about growing up witnessing the abuse of my mother at the hands of my father,” says Leumas Security Services' Founder, Samuel Griffin. “As this year’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month nears its end, I am glad that I made the difficult decision to publicly discuss one of my memories of my parents’ violent marriage. I’ve had many painful experiences, back then and as I built my security career, but the most important thing about experiences is to learn from them.

“My new book Rent-A-Cop Reboot is filled with experiences I’ve had over the years,” Griffin says. “I’ve shared them so that if you’re building a career in security or law enforcement you won’t have to struggle with some of the issues - big and small - that I had to learn on the job.

“For example, how you dress is not a small issue,” he says. “Check the weather forecast throughout the entire time you will be away from home, and make sure you wear clothes that are the right weight for the conditions. You may need to keep a jacket or extra shoes in your vehicle, or you may need to carry them with you and store them somewhere safe at your work site. This time of year the weather can change quickly. Not being prepared for it can hurt your ability to do the important work that you do.

“You also need to take care of yourself at home. Just because you’re a security professional, that does not mean that you can keep yourself safe in your relationship. Domestic violence can affect you, too.

“If you are living in a violent household, there are hotlines that can help. Take advantage of resources that are out there, including ones that share ways to help the children. Work out a safety plan. COVID-19 may have you trapped in a violent relationship, but it will not be that way forever. Financial recovery after leaving an abusive relationship. And even now you are developing skills that can help you succeed at achieving your dream. If you are the perpetrator of violence against those you say that you love, reach out for help finding new ways to show it.

“You are not alone. You can make it through your darkest moments,” Griffin says. “I do it by continuing to lean on my Christian faith. It helps me turn my pain into gain, and it strengthens me enough to tell the stories about what I went through. Don’t give up!”

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