Grieve ... And Reboot

Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III reminds us this week that “talking heals” when you are dealing with grief, and too many of us have spent some time grieving this year.

There are reports that COVID-19 “has taken a serious toll on emotional well-being.” Of course it has. The pandemic has claimed more than 335,000 lives in the United States, has prompted limits on gatherings and travel, and has weakened the global economy. The U.S. House of Representatives voted Monday to increase stimulus checks to $2000 for millions of Americans, and the Senate is scheduled to consider the measure today. There are reports that significant government spending will help “reduce the risk of permanent” economic damage.

What can we do to reduce the risk of personal emotional damage? Griffin, who is also the author of Rent-A-Cop Reboot, reminds us to acknowledge our pain. He also encourages us to use what we learn from our grief.

Rent-A-Cop Reboot encourages security professionals to reboot the way they see themselves and their work. Each of us can let our grief inspire us to do the same thing, reboot the way we use our time and our talents,” he says.

Griffin wishes you a safe and Happy New Year, and invites you to show us how you’re going to #Reboot in 2021. Check out Leumas Publishing on social media, especially Instagram and Facebook. Post a tagged photo or video, and you could WIN A Rent-A-Cop Reboot GIFT BOX. A different winner will be randomly selected each week.

“We can get through this,” says Griffin. “We have to just take it one day at a time.”


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  • perdere peso sulla pancia


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