Leumas News

  • Handling Fear

    Recent events that have made headlines got me thinking about fear among law enforcement and security professionals, and almost everyone in the U.S....
  • Grandma Griffin

    During a break in chemotherapy treatments last month, I squeezed in a visit with my grandmother. Grandma Griffin, as I called her most of my life, ...
  • Stay Sharp

    It can seem like a pain to do it, but you will be much more effective as a security or law enforcement professional if you keep your skills sharp. ...
  • Take Care Of Yourself

    It’s really true. You have nothing if you don’t have your health. I hate that I’ve had to be so focused on my health in recent months. My treatment...
  • Faith Vs. Fear

    This Holy Week means more to me than ever. It’s the most sacred week of the year because it is a time rich with symbolism, sadness, and joy for Chr...
  • A Cancer Journey Part Two

    Today we continue to hear about Nicolas Henderickson and his journey of discovering he had cancer and how he fought through it.  I began to see how...
  • A Cancer Journey Part One

    Today I share with you a story from someone near and dear to me, Nicolas Henderickson. Henderickson is a survivor of a rare form of cancer called NK Blastic cell lymphoma.  His story shares his spiritual belief of why he survived this deadly disease. 

  • Spring is Here

    Spring and Daylight Saving Time are here, at least for most of the U.S., and I am very happy about that. That means regular days of warmth and suns...
  • The Pain Of The Process

    “Most of us are taught that, at some point in life, you will try to achieve something that you will not achieve without experiencing some level of ...
  • Cancer Can't Stop Security!

    “Running a successful business is challenging under the best of circumstances,” says Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III. “Now I know how much those challenges increase when you are receiving chemotherapy and dealing with its side effects.
  • When I Discovered I Have Cancer

    “After my wife arrived, the doctor blurted out, ‘We found a mass in your colon, and you have cancer.’ I was completely dumbfounded. I said, ‘Are you serious?!’ 
  • Press Release

    Life-long security professional Samuel Griffin III spent two-and-a-half decades growing his Virginia-based security and executive protection agency...