Happy Holidays

“People don’t even realize that you’re there securing them,” is part of what Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III says in the video while wishing everyone - especially security professionals - a happy holiday season. “I thank you.”

Griffin, who is also the author of Rent-A-Cop Reboot, reminds security professionals that their work is essential. He believes security guards, and all who are part of the private security and law enforcement industry, should be considered for early access to the COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition to keeping others safe, Griffin wants security professionals to make sure they take care of themselves. This is especially important at a time when the news is filled with reports of another strain of the virus in the United Kingdom, pandemic relief passed by Congress in the US, and ongoing economic problems.

“Even with the vaccines rolling out,” Griffin adds, “it will be several months before we can relax our practices of wearing masks, social distancing and hand washing. Stay vigilant.

“Despite a very challenging year, you made it through. Do your best to remain faith-filled and hopeful,” Griffin says. “Happy Holidays!”

From the Leumas Publishing family to yours, Happy Holidays!

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