Happy Thanksgiving!

“The Leumas Security Services Team and I want to wish you, and everyone you care about, a safe and Happy Thanksgiving” says Leumas Security Services Founder Samuel Griffin III. “We want to send a special shout out to all of the security, first responder, health care, and retail professionals who will have to work on Thanksgiving Day and through the weekend.”

Griffin, also the author of the new book Rent-A-Cop Reboot, says, “For me, the bottom line of this holiday is to be grateful. I think that is especially important as we enter the holiday season at the end of the toughest year most people have ever experienced, or will ever experience.

“The historic COVID-19 pandemic has claimed more than 250,000 lives, and that number is rising. I don’t have to go into the details of the economic wreckage, political upheaval, and racial injustice we have all had to face in some way this year. You probably already know more about these situations than you ever wanted to know.

“What I do want to suggest, and I am doing this myself, is that we dig deep to keep going. That we find something that reminds us of our ability to handle tough times, and we remember that we are worthy of reaching the other side of these challenges.

“This Thanksgiving, I wish you the strength and faith to find moments you can be thankful for, and the grace to share that feeling with someone else,” says Griffin.


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