Faith Vs. Fear

This Holy Week means more to me than ever. It’s the most sacred week of the year because it is a time rich with symbolism, sadness, and joy for Christians like me around the world. Maybe someday I’ll spend this special time they call Semana Santa in Mexico with my family.


Yes, I have had times when the pain, exhaustion, and nausea of my cancer treatment made me afraid to think about the future. What if I don’t have much of one? What if my family has to go on without me? My daughter is still young. How much will she remember? Will she read Rent-A-Cop Reboot and be able to tell her friends how much we laughed together when I told her the entire version of one of the stories I shared in the book?


Despite the fear, my faith and my family have kept me going through these challenging weeks of surgery and chemotherapy. National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month will end tomorrow, but my colon cancer journey will continue. It’s a blessing that I’m not going through it alone. I am especially grateful for the family members and friends who created a GoFundMe account to help us handle the crushing costs of cancer treatment.


I hope you’re not dealing with a health challenge that is potentially life-threatening. But if you are, or know someone who is, join me tonight at 7:00 p.m. ET on Instagram Live as I wrap-up this month of posts devoted to colorectal cancer awareness. I’m doing it with an energy I want to encourage you to have: using faith against the fear.


I’m a Christian, but I don’t mean faith in a strict, religious sense. Join me tonight on Instagram Live with whatever fuels your faith in your ability to beat cancer, some other health challenge, or even the pandemic and any problems it caused in your life. When it comes to faith versus fear, I’ll take faith every time.

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