Spring is Here

Spring and Daylight Saving Time are here, at least for most of the U.S., and I am very happy about that. That means regular days of warmth and sunshine are coming, and I really need them to help me get energized. How about you? I was able to get out a few days ago with my trusted walking stick, but you can tell by the look on my face that it was a bit of a struggle. Join me March 30th at 7:00 p.m. ET for an Instagram Live conversation about how I’m handling my cancer journey.


Despite the struggles, I am enjoying watching the seasons change as I make monthly trips between New York and Virginia with my wife and daughter. The trips are for my chemotherapy treatments. They’re brutal, but my wife is always close by to help with anything I need. She is helping me follow my doctor’s most important instructions about ways to build strength between treatments: drink more water and eat more food. I try, but during the week of chemo treatments I don’t feel like eating. As a result, my treatments now include hydration because the lack of nourishment leaves me with very low energy.


Watching my daughter strengthens me. I don’t like seeing the fear in her young face when she thinks she may get too far from her very sick daddy. She sometimes thinks a comment such as “Daddy has to go bye bye,” referring to me going to the store, refers to me dying. We have lost family members and friends to cancer recently, so she may be afraid her daddy is next.


Am I? Welcome to the psychological torment of being a stage IV cancer patient. Every day I’m in the fight of my life. I thank God that I have people around me who have survived cancer. They understand what's involved with chemotherapy treatment and the psychological impact of dealing with cancer. They are making an incredible difference in my life as I get my emotional footing.


My colon cancer diagnosis isn’t the end, but it’s the beginning of explaining to others the importance of getting your health checked out. Make sure that you get those routine yearly exams. Don’t skip them as I did. If it wasn’t for a constant stomach ache my diagnosis would have been a lot worse. I now pray that God keeps those I love healthy, strong, and able to receive necessary medical care.


I also want you to get out and enjoy the additional daylight with those you love. Make sure you do it safely. Did you notice my walking stick? It supports me, but I can also use it to protect myself. I have cancer, but it doesn’t have me. My security-mindedness has not missed a step. If you take regular walks have additional routes, like I suggest in Rent-A-Cop Reboot that you have alternate driving routes.


I’d love for you to join me for a “live” conversation about the challenges and blessings of running our security business while on this cancer journey. And doing it all during a pandemic! Are you dealing with the physical and/or emotional pain of dealing with cancer, yours or your loved one’s? Is your health problem a problem for your business? Are you interested in moving up in your career, security (take our quick assessment!) or something else, and need some ideas about how to plan ahead toward an uncertain future? Join me on March 30th at 7:00 p.m. ET on Instagram Live.


In the meantime, be grateful for those who are precious to you, respectful of people who come in contact with you, and truthful about aspects of your life that no longer serve you.

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