Leumas News

  • Rittenhouse Decision

    As an African American man and security professional, I can't help but have long lists of questions swirling through my mind after Rittenhouse's verdict. I talk about some of them in a blog post today, https://lnkd.in/eCzRF-n, but writing them down doesn't calm my spirit. I, and people who look like me, would not have had Rittenhouse's outcome. I pray for our nation. We need a system that guarantees justice for all. No one should be allowed to break the law, cry about how afraid they were when someone reacts to their behavior, and then get away with murders that would not have happened if they hadn't behaved badly in the first place. #rittenhouse #justicesystem #justicereform
  • Get Some Shut Eye

    Whether you are a security professional, solo-preneur, or stay-at-home parent - or whatever you do - you need a good night’s sleep. Every night.   ...
  • Health Is Security

    I know I’m blessed. Too many African American men are struck down in the prime of their lives by colon cancer. Today I am in remission, and I’m ve...
  • It's Party Time ... Sort Of

    Millions of people across the U.S. are getting out to enjoy the first full summer since vaccines seem to have COVID-19 against the ropes. But sta...
  • Father's Day Miracle

      I truly feel that living to see this upcoming Father’s Day, the second during the COVID-19 pandemic, is a miracle. In the video I briefly shared...
  • Self Care

    What are you doing to take care of yourself? If you work closely with others, are you finding ways to show that you care about them, too?   Some ex...
  • Take The Time, Do It Right.

    Sometimes, whether you want to or not, you have to take a step back. That can mean getting some sleep, taking some time off of work (use that hard-...
  • Commencement

    I like how commencement means both a beginning and an ending. This is the season for commencements across the U.S., which mark the start of a new l...
  • What is Security?

    What do you think of when you hear the word security? Do you immediately get happy thoughts, or do you think of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric ...
  • Celebrating Another COVID Mother's Day!

    Are you making plans for Mother’s Day? It’s this Sunday, May 9th. It’s the second Mother’s Day since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In case yo...
  • De-escalation

    In Columbus, Ohio, residents are wondering how a police shooting of an unarmed man in December failed to offer lessons that may have helped to prev...
  • The Role of Police in our Communitites

    As I watched the news with attorney Ben Crump on April 26, 2021, I listen as the family attorney Chantel Cherry-Lassiter described the Assassinatio...