Celebrating Another COVID Mother's Day!

Are you making plans for Mother’s Day? It’s this Sunday, May 9th. It’s the second Mother’s Day since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In case you’re starting to ease up your pandemic practices, don’t.


Travel restrictions on people traveling to the U.S. from India started today, and other international travel restrictions are still in place. Check local and CDC advice if you’re hoping to travel within the U.S. for Mother’s Day, a graduation, or any other special occasion in the coming weeks. Even if you have already been vaccinated keep wearing your mask, washing your hands, and maintaining physical distance. That’s especially important for people like security professionals and others who work with the public.


As for my Mother’s Day plans, I look forward to finding a way to show my mother and my wife how much I appreciate them.


I am incredibly grateful to be able to share this Mother’s Day with my wife. She is my partner in business, parenting, and life. My wife has suffered the losses of loved ones since last year, supported me through the loss of my grandmother last month, and she has been my rock through my cancer diagnosis and treatment.


My last liver pump chemotherapy treatment was last week, and I should be finished with my systemic chemo treatment in a couple of weeks. This does not mean that I am cancer-free. I will be carefully monitored for the next three years, and I remain faithful that by the end of that period I can claim the victory over the cancer that affected my liver and colon.


I hope the progress we have made so far in this cancer journey means less pain. Have you, or anyone you know, ever been through cancer treatment? It can be brutal.


I am being treated, but my wife and daughter are also going through it. We have had to deal with travel and staying near the hospital many miles away from home. During chemo treatment, I went through long periods when I couldn’t eat or drink, and I found myself in urgent care several times.


The physical pain became mental pain as I watched my daughter watch me. After hearing about the deaths of other family members, she asked me, “Daddy are you gonna die?” She would lay on my chest, rub my hair, and whisper, “Fight daddy.” Her 6-year old attention wasn’t as involved in virtual schooling as she was in live loving from a daddy she was afraid she would lose.


Through it all, my wife Imani was our spiritual warrior. She prayed over us every day, and worked to remain positive during our darkest hours. Now, as we are starting to see the light, I see even more why I love her.


I hope you have a woman in your life who has embodied the powerful love, spirit, and strength of motherhood and poured it into your life. Even if you can’t be with her or buy a fancy gift this Mother’s Day, find a way to let her know you appreciate her.

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