Health Is Security

I know I’m blessed. Too many African American men are struck down in the prime of their lives by colon cancer. Today I am in remission, and I’m very clear about the fact that health is security, and security is health.


Consider your health as you handle your responsibilities this week. Do you have enough masks and gloves? Many places still require masks of certain workers in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. Yes, places are opening up, some places want workers to get vaccinated (which they can do), and people are taking vacations. But COVID’s still working. I require Leumas Security Services guards to wear masks while on duty in public spaces, especially if they are indoors.


To my security professionals: I want you to take every precaution you can to maintain your health.

Once you have COVID handled while working at, for example a club or special event, figure out how you’re going to effectively handle people who take things too far. For some of them, it’s been two years since they fully enjoyed the summer. They may have been struggling to manage COVID-related stress, and they need to blow off some steam.


If someone blows off too much steam, I have a tip in this week’s video (above) that can help you deal with the person. No matter where you are, always be prepared for someone who may violently react to your presence or instructions. Unfortunately, you don’t know if they really share your goal: for everyone to return home as healthy as they were when they left.


It’s easier to meet that goal when you start your shift as physically and emotionally healthy as possible. I learned a lot about the importance of self-care while working personal protection and nightclubs. There were times when my bad day turned into the club’s good night, because I was extra hard on people who didn’t act right while I was on duty.


That doesn’t have to be your situation. I share a lot of what I learned during speaking engagements, consultations, and in my book Rent-A-Cop Reboot. Trust me. Decide today to do what you can to stay healthy, because today’s decisions affect your tomorrows.

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