The Role of Police in our Communitites

As I watched the news with attorney Ben Crump on April 26, 2021, I listen as the family attorney Chantel Cherry-Lassiter described the Assassination of Andrew Brown. With only 20 seconds of body camera footage from one of the many officer's body cameras, the scene can be described as the assassination of the unarmed man of color.

I have been getting treatment for my stage 4 colon cancer since Oct 2020 and published a book "Rent-A-Cop Reboot" which I wrote last year. It is clear that policing the community doesn't mean it's your community. Many law enforcement officers travel from their suburban homes to work the inner-city streets. Many of the officers are strangers to our communities. So when they patrol their assigned neighborhoods, they are doing so as a stranger. I have never met one person who wants a stranger in their home or community. So how do we fix that? Law Enforcement needs to become socialized with the communities they patrol. If not, these shootings of black and brown men and women are going to continue. Why? People naturally fear what they don't understand. It's simple insanity to continue to police neighborhoods that officers haven't taken the time to interact with those there policing.

There is a deep-rooted stigma of men/women of color and the neighborhoods that we live in. If a man of color is driving a nice car in a challenging community, he is labeled as "up to no good." In many cases, a drug dealer. What happened to just having good credit and driving a nice car while you save up to move out of that neighborhood.

During security training, they teach you to put your hands on your steering wheel, and your passenger's hands are to be laid flat on the dashboard if you're legally armed with a concealed weapon. This protocol is supposed to show that your following procedures and waiting on the next instructions from law enforcement. Being shoot with your hands on the steering wheel is "FEAR" with premedication to shoot Mr. Brown?

We will be watching as more video is released and information is shared.

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