Leaving Your Problems at Your Front Door

Video Transcription:
“Hi, I’m Sam Griffin with Leumas Security Services. Today, I’d like to speak to my seasoned security guard professionals about leaving your problems at your front door.

So many times we go straight from work right to the bar and what happens at the bar? Happy hour. Happy hour happens and then we go home. We're met by a spouse that is either upset that we're late for dinner, or we're intoxicated.

So what do we do? We solve that problem. Stop going to the bar. Do something different with your life. After work, pick up a sport, a hobby, go for a walk, go for a run. Talk to your spouse about your problems instead of talking to your bartender. I promise you, if you make those changes, you'll have a better life and a happy wife.

Today's decisions certainly affect your tomorrow.”

Leave Your Problems at Your Front Door

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